Sometimes You Need To Open Your Eyes

Every now and again we are sometimes forced to open our eyes and see the reality of life.  We need a proverbial punch in the face because even though we like to stay in our little comfortable world, we occasionally need that dose of reality to shake us up.

I've had several wake up calls recently and I think I finally heeded those calls.  I don't know why it took several punches in the face for me, but I can't ignore anything this time.  I've got to make the biggest changes in my life I have ever had to.  And this time I need to make these changes permanent.

Recently I made some changes and since those changes my life has been a great deal more relaxed and stress free.  Sometimes you have to cut the rope and let whatever was attached fall or run away.  I'm glad I did that.  I didn't realize the stress I was living with and realized some of my health issues were directly related to that stress.  Although we all carry some measure of stress with us, I cannot even begin to try and make you understand the relief I have experienced.

Finding those small stresses in your life can be difficult.  And what's more difficult is getting rid of them.  As much as we want to hang on to things that we think we enjoy or need, we sometimes have to get rid of them.

What are your stresses?  What is it in your life that you can see that brings on stress and brings some misery with it?  Money?  Family?  Job?  Pets?  I'm not saying get rid of family.  Although for some that might be a good option.  I've been to that point in my life and was forced (by myself) to actually disconnect from some family.  The issue with stress from money is actually not a difficult thing to solve.  We all have issues with money.  But we need to learn how to take control of it and bring less stress from it.  Our money problems are our own doing.  As much as we like to blame others, we need to look at ourselves for that.

I also eliminated a great deal of stress by eliminating more people from my (our) life.  I'm talking about those people who are happier in their own misery than being happy overall.  The stress brought on by other people's drama was more than I could bare.  I didn't need it.  I didn't want it.  So I said farewell and went on my merry way.  Since then I have had some of those friends contact me.  It was a short lived reunion.

My health issues have opened my eyes to the fact that we ignore warnings our bodies give us that something is wrong.  This I have done for a very long time.  It is now that I am paying for that and regret not taking care of my self like I should have.  I had a few health scares over the last year and it made me wake up to the fact that since I joined Club 50 I have to now start looking at the issue of growing old.  I'm nearing my senior years and I can't try to live like I'm 20.  We all don't need to act like senior citizens, but we also need to look at the reality that our bodies will tell us how old we really are.  Pay attention to your bodies and what they tell you.

My focus has moved towards where I need to be in a few years.  Whether it be a physical move or career move, I need to make sure our future is set.  This is why my health is so important.  I need to be around much longer.  Good food, good exercise, plenty of prescribed meds (not necessarily good sometimes) and a healthy psychological well-being can give us a long life to look forward to.

I've also discovered that staying of sound mind involves finding that one thing that keeps you sane.  I've found something from the past I lost and grabbed hold of it again.  My sanity is much less insane.

Be well in body and mind.  Don't let the negative rot away the good side of who you are.
