Stop Using God as an Excuse

STOP!  Just STOP!  OK, so ya think that takes care of it?   I don't think so either.  So I'll give it to you straight.

Stop using God as an excuse to point your finger and judge.  Stop using God as an excuse to condone bad behavior on your part.  Stop using God as an excuse for being selfish, overbearing, lacking compassion, irresponsible and ungrateful.

We have too many religious factions using violence in the name of God.  Or at least in the name of their god.  They murder and mame and use God as an excuse.  They point the finger and bash anything anyone says and use God to justify it.

God is not a convenience.  God is not your vehicle to use to run over people in the name of what you "believe".  And he is certainly not your club to use to beat people over the head to make them believe what you "believe".  Doing something in the name of God for your own selfish reasons is telling God He is there to serve you and not the other way around.

Everything I do, I do in the name of the Lord.  But not when it means degrading others, insulting others, insulting God, or lessening the meaning of God's grace, love and compassion.  We have come to a point in this society of ours that we use everything and anything to make our lives more convenient.  Not to say that is all that bad, but when it comes to God it's not such a good thing.  God is not a convenience.  But we surely treat Him that way.

I've said this before.  We do for God when we can and are called, not when we see an opportunity to shine the light on ourselves or to just make ourselves feel good.  Or go to church when we can.  We help others when we either get around to it, or we feel guilty.  We are two different people when it comes to our relationship with God.  Remember my posting about a "Split Spiritual Personality"?

But here I'm trying to shine a light on those who raise the bible in the air and then thump it down on your head.  They claim God speaks to them and tells them to convert non-believers, shame the sinner, and tell them there is no other way but to follower "their" God.  First of all, He is NOT my God.  I am His child, but He doesn't belong to me.  I am to serve Him, not the other way.  Those pastors who use God to gain wealth at the expense of their parishioners are more guilty than most.  Their motivation is simply greed.

A few years ago there was a great deal of controversy surrounding a pastor of a mega church.  Over the years he had become less of a pastor and more of a judge.  He became out of control, unapproachable, and to the point of being just plain mean.  But he used the church and his position as a pastor to become that way.  It became an issue of a very severe case of control.  He used God to maintain that control and told parishioners it's God's church and it's his job to enforce God's law and God's demands.  He spoke controversially from the pulpit and even going as far as to use profane language while doing it.  This is not what God wants.  It is simply using God to do what you want in the name of God.

All I have to say is IN THE NAME OF GOD please stop.

1 Peter 4:10-11: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
