To be or not to be, a false prophet.

The world would probably be a better place without them.  That was the statement made to me when I was talking to someone about people who are different.  I wasn't really specific on who I was referring to or what the difference really was.  I think much of that hatred comes from what we see today going on across the country.  Hate has become the focus of most of the media, and is separating people more and more into groups that do not need to be separated.

When I told this person I was talking about disabled people who use special parking placards, she turned a little flush.  But it goes to show how quickly people jump to conclusions about something they know nothing about.  Or at least assume they know what I or we are talking about.

It stemmed from what I witnessed at a shopping center parking lot.  I saw someone park in a regular spot but took two spots.  They parked and went inside.  I then saw they had a placard for handicap parking but was puzzled about why they parked where and how they did, when there was ample handicap parking.  I never approached them or asked.  I was pretty sure it would have been a conversation that would not have went well.

After that interaction I began to wonder what it is we go through as Christians.  Maybe you are Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Agnostic, or even an atheist. But we all seem to be treated in a way sometimes that makes us feel as though we might rethink our direction in our spiritual life.  Maybe not all think that, but you have to wonder why do we subject ourselves to so much ridicule or animosity about what we believe.  I don't even have to go into detail about the Muslim faith.  The hate that is directed to those who believe in the Muslim way of life is without question greater than most.  We all go about life so self righteous in what WE believe and object to anything that is different or disagrees with us.

I had an experience a few months back that greatly disturbed me.  A friend had made a comment about scripture and how it directly impacted her life and how she lived her life.  I made a simple comment about the interpretation might be wrong.  I explained my reason for it.  I also referenced the rest of the chapter before the verse, as well as the remaining chapter after.  This set off a firestorm of attacks by her friends that left me dumb founded.  As I answered each attack with scripture, I felt more and more as if I were being ganged up on.  I had to end it all when I was then told I was being a false prophet.  I could not believe I was being labeled a false prophet.  But the anger that came from some of those attacking me was a bit unnerving and concerned me quite a bit.

I am a very opened minded person.  I do not judge nor treat others differently than I would anyone else.  I believe that God made everyone the way they are and it is not for us to judge them, nor treat them as they are different.  It is God's job to judge and to deal with those whom are either defiant or confused.  Of course we can sometimes step in and speak what God tells us through the scripture, but it's not for us to point fingers, yell, scream, persecute, humiliate, or call names.  God knows what He is doing.  Let Him do it.

When I was accused of being a false prophet (I chuckle every time I write that) I was not only stunned at the accusation, but I found some humor in it as well.  Who has the right to call someone a false prophet?  I have to believe that they really did not know what they were talking about.

The definition of a false prophet is described as:

The book of Revelation foretells that at the time of the end, in the last few years of Satan's dominion over the earth, a religious personality will arise and deceive the whole world by means of miraculous signs. This individual is referred to as "another beast" (Revelation 13:11), as well as "the false prophet" (Revelation 16:13; 19:20; 20:10). The False Prophet is given supernatural power to do things like calling fire down from heaven (Revelation 13:13), and the signs he performs, combined with the demonic words he speaks (Revelation 16:13-14), will cause people to give their allegiance to—and even worship—the Beast (Revelation 13:14). This man will wield tremendous religious influence, and inspired by the Dragon, he will successfully convince most of the world to commit idolatry (Revelation 13:12).

Well, if I only had so much power.  Not really, but you know what I mean.  The title of a false prophet is not something to just throw around and use lightly.  A false prophet is as evil as evil comes.  And to think that just because I disagree with you, you call me a false prophet?  I am a great believer in the scripture.  It is what our faith is built on.  The scripture is what we look to, look for answers from, and learn from.  It is where we first read about God and where we learn how to be a child of God.

There are so many people out there who believe they are different in such a way that they are prophets, extraordinary men and women of God, and even think that God talks only them.  These are the ones who may or may not be the false prophets, but either way we need to be diligent about trusting God and knowing in our own hearts what is right and wrong.

I have spent many Sundays sitting in church listening to preachers preach.  Yet they don't refer to the bible as much as they should.  I've listened to preachers talk about following God and living a Godly life. But they don't refer to the bible to add concrete to the statement.  I understand there is much diversity in what we all believe when it comes to the bible.  Everyone has an interpretation.  But when we pick it apart, slice and dice verses, and take scripture out of context, we then lose the answers we originally looked for and are creating our own answers to suit our own needs.

God doesn't need us to convince others to believe in Him.  And trying to do that by calling people false prophets is as far from what God would want.  It is unfortunate that some are convinced that no matter what they hear and what is proven to them, they refuse to believe anything else.  

This is God's world we live in.  It's His way or no way. That's what it comes down to. The more we separate ourselves from God by doing things our own way, the less we will be able to really see the good that is in God.   God will undoubtedly give us His grace. Yet we need to be sincere and repent. Without repentance there can be no forgiveness. We have to know that our sins are ours and we need to own up to them and be held accountable for them. 

You cannot fool God. You can't ask for forgiveness without being sincere and repenting. He knows your heart.  He knows your sincerity.  God knows YOU.

