Just say it!

More times than not I feel eyes on me and knowing that someone wants to say something, yet cannot bring them self to saying it. 

What I am talking about are the looks we get when people find out we have been abused as children and or adults.  They don't know what to say, so they just stare in a strange way.  Or they avoid eye contact and try not to talk about things that might lead into a discussion about abuse.  I've found so many want to say something but feel they would be intruding, insulting or create an even more uncomfortable situation than has already been created.

When I sense all of this, I will almost always bring it up myself and start the conversation.  Unlike many others who have been abused, I am ok with talking about it.  I know there are many who cannot talk about their abuse.  I understand this and empathize with them.  It is not easy to accept or talk about it.  Sometimes when talking about it, others become uncomfortable with what I say.  Speaking the truth and telling in some detail about it will undoubtedly bring discomfort.  But the truth is the truth.

So when you learn someone has been abused and they have already shared their experiences with others, go ahead and talk to them.  Not saying anything, keeping quiet or staring is not going to make things any easier.

Short and sweet.  This came to mind today and as I was writing book number two I decided to take a short break and share my thoughts on it.
